Garden, Plant, Cook!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Be Food Informed: America's Test Kitchen

Dear Folks,

I do not regularly tout a particular website/show etc.  There has to be a good reason.

Well America's Test Kitchen, part of Cook's Country is one you should look into.

I think one of the great things about this show / website is they give great information on why recipes work and how to make them work better.  They explain simple science behind the best way to cook/prepare something.  Plus the recipes are plain good.

I used to catch Alton Brown's "Good Eats" show for all of those reasons - then they discontinued it :(

Well get your food-information-fix by signing up for their newsletter and Christopher Kimball's podcasts.

Here is this week's newsletter

Link to the podcasts' page

Some tips from ATK are just great.

How to cook the perfect sunnyside/basted eggs.

I provided a link to the egg recipe in this blog post.

Grill your meat frozen instead of thawed - the frozen meat tip is in the podcast link of this blog.

Have a Best Day!

-- Catherine, The Herb Lady